Welcome to Book Blog Chat!
Because Book Back Chat has decided to take this term off, I've decided to host my own version of Back Chat. This term we will do a mini version which will require only a few activities. Next term we may make it bigger and better or return to the original version.
Lets begin...
Hello students from Forrest Hill and Coatesville School's.
I have chosen Winnie's Midnight Dragon by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul.
Why this book?
I love the detailed drawings of Korky Paul. His drawing tell the story as well as the words do!
Also as a child my favorite thing to draw was...
Can you guess?
To see more drawing by Korky Paul try searching google images.
Things to do:
- Get your teacher to read the story to your class.
- Tell me about your favorite page. Descibe the picture on your favorite page to me. What made you choose that page?
- Find out more about the illustrator "Korky Paul". Eg. Where he lives. Post back 2 facts try not to repeat what other have posted.
- Watch and listen to the "Winnie the Witch" story on youtube.
My favorite page is the last page. It's Winnie's bedroom. I like this page because there are many things to look at in her room. Also the Sun and the Moon are out at the same time. Winnie's pictures on her wall are colourful and interesting. Like the pirate above her bed. I wonder who this could be?
By Mr Robson
Hi Mr Robson
my favourite page is also the last page although it is very messy it is still interesting.Like all the photos on the wall for example there are fish pirates and old ladys in eye patches they might be part of her family some how.She should try to tidy her room a bit.
by siena Ng
my favorite page was the one on the rooftop. Because the dragon came. And winnie did abracadabra 6 times an the moon came to her. Her whole house was black even her cat was black. I like that part because it was really dark so it was hard to see. The dragon was breathing fire so I liked it. The dragon could not see winnie and wilbert and the baby dragon. then winnie said abracadabra on he dragon. then the dragon had smoke comming theew his nose.
Hi Mr Robson I loved Winnies bedroom.I think it would be cosy in her bed if she wold tidy it a bit bettr.I also think it would be fun to play with her fluffy cat.I wonder what it would be like to be Winnie?
Olivia G
I like the page that winnie said abra cadabra
by brian
My favorite page is the one were winnie is brushing her teeth with a mini broomstick
by Ash
Hello Mr Robson!
Good moning or Afternoon!!
My fave is the one where the front page is and the last one I would'nt go to Winne's house would you Mr Robson???
my faviorte page is the one that has the cat frecking out on the chimney and the big fire ball
by jackson
my favourite page is when the baby Dragon was on the top of the roof top.
My favorite page is the mother dragon was holding the baby dragon and winnie was on the roof and winnie cat was on the roof too.
I like it because it is dark and it has dragons.
by ho lun
I like the page that the baby
dragon sneezed butterflys
out of his nose
By calvin
Good afternoon Mr Robson? I hope you are going good? Well my favourite page is the part when Winne wash her face, because she look pretty. By Yuri
my favrite part is when wilbur gets a frite on the roof when the fier cames it is funny for me.
By Bradley.
I like the part when Wibur sore the dragons nose breving smoke.
By Ephraim
I liked the page when winnie and
the dragon were on the roof
calling to the dragon's mum I
liked it beautifu also liked
the details on the dragon.
I liked the page when Winnie and the dragon were on the roof calling, to the dragon's mum.I liked it because the tiny details were very beautiful;I also liked the details on the dragon.
By Christine
My favorite page was the dragon was britding he was cring and other favorite page were the baby drangon was chasing the black cat and the baby dragon crash the robot and the dragon use his nose to make the butterfly and the dragon like catching butterfly and it like catching any thing.
by Raymond
I think the dragon is a bulgarian horn tail. I like the fire. That is on the page with the mother dragon.
By Nick
Can't wait to chat to the room 4 bloggers about the story....
Watch this space Mr Robson for our comments!!!!
Thanks for reading the story!!!!
Hi Siena,
I think you are right the photo's in her bedroom are most likely her family. I like your comment about tidying her room. Well done for being the first to make a comment.
Hi Olivia,
I think one of the best things about being Winnie is being able to do magic.
Hi Ash,
I'm pleased you noticed what Winnie was brushing her teeth with. I wonder if others observed this. I think I'll post a poll on the blog to see.
Hi Yuri,
I think your the only one who thinks Winnie looks pretty!
Hi Room 4,
I look forward to your comments. Don't forget to read the story on the kidsnet. Under classroom connections - room 4.
Hi Room 4,
Forgot to mention. Did you notice your photo on this blog?
I think Winnie and her cat is funny. My favourite page is when the armor goes crash,bang down the stairs. I like this because the cat is really funny on this page.
By Harrison
I love the page that has the mother dragon. She gets her baby back.
My favorite page is winnie's bedroom.I like that page because the sun and the moon are out at the same time.And there are lots of things to look at.
My best page is the page when Winnie is walking up the stairs. I like this because it has lots of detail and I like how Korky Paul did the snakes comeing out of the black bowl.
Hi mr robson my favourite page was
also the last page beacause it had
the moon and the sun out at the same time.also it was colourful.
And I liked that winnie and Willber
sleeping together.I liked the sock
hanging up the top also Winnie's
hat was hanging up the top.
By sarah rm 15
My favorite page is the second two last page because there is lots of detail.
by Jordan
by maia
Hi Mr robson my favourite page is the middle page. I like it because
its funny. And it is clourful I like it. It will be funny when we are at her house. It will be funny
when we see a real dragon in new zealand. I enjoy the middle page
becuse its like seeing the moon up
top of the roof. It look beatiful
up there it would be fun.
By Ga Yeon l
hi Mr Robson
My favorite page is winnie's very untidy bedroom.With all silly critter and all her cazy pictures.
I wonder if she ever going to tidy her room.Well I haven't.
By Rebecca.
The baby dragon ran after the cat. The dragon blew the butterflies out. This was my favourite page.
By Josh
i like the page`s that the baby dragon chases wilbour.
becouse they are funny
by squish
My favourite page is when Winie puts a spell on the dragon and butterflies come out of his nose.
From sid !!$$$
I love the page where butterflies are coming out of the dragons nose! The pictures are very detailed and the words are very exciting.
By Chelsea
I like the page were the baby dragon has butterflys comeing out of its nose
by mini
My favourite page is the last page. Its Winnins beedroom. The page is very creative(and messy !)I enjoyed the book a lot and loved the illistrations. You could take away the words and you could still understand the story.
By bubble gum
my fave page is when the babys mum came
by splash
hi every one its puffle and mini Here again we also loved the page where the little dragon finds his mother because the dragons are so cool because of the colours we hope you like the book.
by puffle and mini
i like the page witch has the cat and the dragon and when the cat gets scared.
i like the ilustrations when mother dragon grabs little dragon and the colour choises
by awall360
this book is funny because willbur got very afraid of of the dragon
posted by chris
We like the page with the baby dragon and the butterflies because it's colourful and everyones happy, well almost everyone. Also it brings colour to the house and brightens up Wilburs day.
By Noor and Emily
me and aba 123 favourte page is when the dragon come in the cat flap and into winnes house. Because its funny .
by Cubic Boy and Aba 123
this book is really funny, becaues the witch keeps on casting funny spells on the dragon.
posted by Daniel Y.
I like the bit when the cat and dragon are face to face with each other and the cat gets scared
By Squint
i think that the best page is when they end up sleeping though the day or the last one. but i think it would have been cool if the mum dragon endded up crushing the house HAHAHAHA.It was funny how mr R read the book to us and he did the funny voice.
By cheaky monkey
This book is funny because the witch makes the dragon blow butterflys out his nose
i like the the page when the dragon comes down and swoops up the ragon and flys away
by squishy pat
this book is funny because the dragon blows butterflys out his nose
posted by bob
my fravet bet is whenthe dragon gets picked up and flies a way
by spongbob squarepants
i like this book because of all
the funny pictures
in the backround of the house.
by armchair
my favorite page was when nothing came out of the baby dragon's nose
By Marshmallow
My Favourite page is when Winne, the Dragon and Wilber were on the roof and they were looking for muma dragon.
by Fuzz-ball
i like the part whenv the sun cames upit is light and fun
by midnight dragon
i like it when the baby dragon sneezes buterflys out of his nose.
it makes winies house very colourful.
by puss
my favorite is when little dragon gets his mother back. I like this because I think it is nice of Winnie to do that.
by Winnie Witch
i think the ilustration on dragon the butterflys
by add100
we like the cover of the book
because its bright and all the characters are on.
by sally & sarah
Hi Everyone I like Winnie's bedroom page because it has lots of detail and it is funny because the moon is outr one window and thew sun is out the other!
By Mr Robson
I like the page the nose pointing out of the cat flap because i like noses.
By Josh
I like the page the big dragons because its a cool dragon.
By Youngmin
I like the page when the mother dragon picks the baby up. I like it coz it looks cool.I also kind of like the one with the huge moon. I dont know why. By Tommy
hi everyone my favorite page is the one when the dragon is blowing butterflies out of his nose ans chasing them.
By Mogz
I like the page when Winnie makes the huge moon by saying abracadabra. I like explosions and it kinda looks like one so i like it. By Sonny
Whats up my favorite part was the dragon were blowing smoke out of his nose
And hi MR.Robson
I like tha page of the when the baby dragon chase the cat. because it was messy and crazy.
By:Ha min
My favourite page is the 3rd to last page, the one with the big moon and the mother dragon in front. I like it cuz it looks cool and the art it very good!!
My favourite page is at the end because it is funny and it haves very strange pictures.
by Chipmunk!
My favorite page is when there is the giant moon because the moon is like a star in front and the mother dragon and the baby dragon take up the moon because they are big and giant so it is funny
by jacob
by pearl
My favorite page is the one when winnie makes a giant moon because I like the moon because its like a star exsept its bigger thats why!
By scotty!
i like the second to last and the last because the second to last has the mama dragon and the moon. I like the last one because it is very interesting
by unknown 11
My favorite page is the one when winnie makes a giant moon because I like the moon because its like a star exsept its bigger thats why!
By scotty!
Hi everyone my favorite page is when they are running around the house and smashing things i like book blog chat
By Amber
He was born in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1951 into a family of seven children.His real name is Hamish Vigne Christie Paul.
By Josh & Youngmin
My favourite page is 3rd to last page because the picture looks so cool!!!I think the picture is great and detailed!
by amphibianzlover
My favourite page is the second to last page because I have an interest in dragons
By Varun
Korky Paul had 52 books and 7 categorys. By Tommy and Sonny
Hi again
I have so many favourite pages and i couldn't decied but i decided any way.
By Chipmunk
I like the page when the dragon sneezed Butterflies out of its nose lots of them are colourful actually all of them were colourful.
posted by William.
i like when the dragon pops it's nose through the cat-flap and runs around the house
By nate
my favourite page is when the butterflies came out of the dragons nose
by tyler
I liked the story
hi everybody! I liked the part when the mommy dragon found the baby dragon and they went happily.
by mononoke
hi i like the page when the dragon put his nose through the cat flap.But i think all the pages are great.
by Monkey!!!!!
I like the one when the big dragon comes. It's cool.
By heneliko
My favorite page is the 3rd.Cuz I just Like it.~~
I liked the dragons.
by Phelisia
the author made a good and enjoying book.
its William
I like the page when the mama dragon takes baby dragon home.
BY: Alex
I liked Korky Paul's drawings as well. The book was very entertaining as well.
By mononoke
hi On the first day of my first job as a young art school graduate at an advertising agency in Cape Town, the boss's secretary wandered over to my drawing -board and said, 'Hello, howzit. So you're Korky Paul , the New Drawer?'
from Amber
He was born in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1951. I got it from Wikipedia.
By Varun
Hi there! my favourite page was the baby dragon running after the cat wilbur that was cool!!!
also it was so funny also i like baby dragons there so cool
The thing i like about the illustrator is how the pictures are so funny and every page makes me laugh.
by Monkey!!!!!!!
something else about KORKY PAUL was born in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1951 into a family of seven children. His real name is Hamish Vigne Christie Paul. He enjoyed a wild and privileged childhood in the African Bushveldt. At an early age he was reading comic books and scribbling cartoons.
By William
My favourite page is the last one
because her room is so messy and has stuff a normal witch wont have
in her room
NOAH MAN $$%@#
I like the page where the butterflys come out of the baby dragons nose
my favourite page was with all the butterflys because they were colourful
by oliver
my favourite page is the one with the big dragon and little dragon. the one thats side on because I like dragons.
by joseph
My favourite page is when the dragon gets picked up because the drawing is cool.
by connor
I like the page that has lots of butterflies around Willbur because it is so colourfull.
My favourite page is the dragon mum flying.
By joe
I really like the page at the end where Winne is laying in bed.The pictures are really detailed and exciting!!!!
My fav page is winnies room.
By cameron
KORKY PAUL was born in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1951. He was part of a large family.
Nowadays he is married to the artist Susan Moxley and they have two children Zoe and Oska. They live in Oxford, Britain.
By Mr Robson
KORKY PAUL was born in a little village in Zimbabwe in 1951 with a family of seven. His real name is Hamish Vigne Christie Paul. He enjoyed a wild and privileged childhood in the African Bush veldt. At an early age he was reading comic books and scribbling cartoons.
from siena
At an early age he was reading comic books and scribbling cartoons.
by Casey and Jesse
Korky paul real name is Hamish Vigne Christie Paul
By Rebecca
Korky Paul has very quickly become a well-known figure in the children's book world and he is especially popular with the young children who read his books and are carried away into a fantasy world by the illustrations.By Caitlin
Korky Paul is the illustrator of many books include the Winnie Witch series.
by jordan D
Korky paul scribbled his way through Durban School of Art and for four years scribbled at an advertising agency in Cape Town.
Korky has two children. The boy is named Oska and the girls name is Zoe .
By Olivia
His real name is Hamish Vigne C
christie Paul.
by maia
He scribbled his way through Durban School of Art and for four years scribbled at an advertising agency in Cape Town.
by Brian and by Dillon
He scribbled his way through Durban School of Art and for four years scribbled at an advertising agency in Cape Town.
by Brian and by Dillon
Korky Paul born in 1951.In a huge family his real name is Hamish Vigne enjoy wild african as a childhoodhe read comic and cartoon married to an artist susan and had two children zoe and oska.
By Ga Yeon
Korky Paul has very quickly become a well-known figure in the children's book world and he is especially popular with the young children who read his books and are carried away into a fantasy world by the illustrations.
By william
Korky paul born in Harare,Zimbabwe
in 1951.
By sarah
what a lovely day to day i like the page when the mummy dragon comes and picks up the baby dragon
by mini
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